Our FREE TRIAL is exactly what it sounds like. You will spend not a single dollar to try us out! You can choose to try our Weight Loss Free Trial through any of 3 sources, Free Personal Training, Free Group Training of Free Boot Camp Training. This is a no risk Free Trial program, so what have you got to lose? Nothing, but those extra pounds! So give us a shot to earn your business, worst case scenario you get trained for FREE for 30 days. Free Trial may vary by location and time slot! Not all locations, Trainers and times are always for 30 days. All locations will always honor the "Try before you buy" principle, but for varying lengths of time. Contact us to find out which option looks best for you.
What you can expect
What is expected
DISCLAIMERCannot be a current client of BR Specialists, or any of its affiliates, to receive the free trial. This free trial assumes that you are interested in using, on an ongoing basis, one or more of the services offered by BR Specialists and is not to be abused in any way. There are additional referral benefits for our members to bring new clients to us so if you were referred to us by one of our active members please make that clear through the course of our initial contacts. By submitting this inquiry I understand and agree to the above stated terms.
Hear Mike's amazing success story!
Everyone Loses Weight!
– The best way to predict the future is to create it - Peter F. Drucker
Everyone who has taken advantage of our Free Trial and followed through to the end (warning - not all clients complete the program due to the challenging nature of changing you life!) have lost significant amounts of weight! You can easily expect to lose 10 pounds but many of our Free Trial clients have lost over 25 pounds. This is achieved through proper and customized nutrition with the right exercise protocols, all based on your individual needs. If you want to lose some weight and are willing to participate in a weight loss specific program and are willing to subject yourself to a strict and guided program, then you may be ready for this Free Trial.
What exactly do we wait for, or more specifically what are you waiting for? The problem with losing weight is that the longer that you wait to take action the more difficult the process will become. Every year, month and day that you get older the more muscle you lose and the slower the metabolism becomes. With our FREE TRIAL you have absolutely no reason to wait any longer! There is no risk to you, no cost to you and success has come to everyone who has tried our program. Success only comes to those who take action, so take the first step towards you success and take action today!
Everyone who has taken advantage of our Free Trial and followed through to the end (warning - not all clients complete the program due to the challenging nature of changing you life!) have lost significant amounts of weight! You can easily expect to lose 10 pounds but many of our Free Trial clients have lost over 25 pounds. This is achieved through proper and customized nutrition with the right exercise protocols, all based on your individual needs. If you want to lose some weight and are willing to participate in a weight loss specific program and are willing to subject yourself to a strict and guided program, then you may be ready for this Free Trial.
What exactly do we wait for, or more specifically what are you waiting for? The problem with losing weight is that the longer that you wait to take action the more difficult the process will become. Every year, month and day that you get older the more muscle you lose and the slower the metabolism becomes. With our FREE TRIAL you have absolutely no reason to wait any longer! There is no risk to you, no cost to you and success has come to everyone who has tried our program. Success only comes to those who take action, so take the first step towards you success and take action today!

Of course there is a catch! We are like drug dealers. We want you to be so successful on our weight loss program that you want to continue! Rest assured that when you see how we get you to lose weight week in and week out you will want to continue to see those results. You are not obligated to continue, in fact there is no pressure on you at all! All the pressure is on us to make sure that we deliver unreal weight loss and make the process fun and exciting. So take advantage of our FREE TRIAL and start seeing results today. After you are hooked on success and realize that we are simply the best at what we do then you will find out how affordably you can continue with us. None of our program require a large up front payment and you can easily afford a monthly membership to our program. So stop procrastinating and take advantage of our FREE TRIAL right now.
Located at 808 South Vista 3389 N. Five Mile Road
Boise, ID 83709 Boise, ID 83714
Boise, ID 83709 Boise, ID 83714