When it comes to working with a Weight Loss Program in Boise, Idaho, or anywhere for that matter, you need
to make sure that what you have in mind is inline with what that
Personal Trainer has planned. For every Weight Loss Program and every
Fitness Program there is a slightly different attitude and design to
the program. Look into the details of your Personal Trainer's program
and learn what it is that makes that Personal Trainer and their program unique, special
and right for YOU!
STEP 1 - Click on the ACTIVATE YOUR FREE WEIGHT LOSS TRIAL ICON located on any of our pages. This will link you to our landing page for Free Trials where you fill in a short form which is submitted to us. Once you have submitted this form it may take a day or so for us to respond because a real person will be involved, so please be patient...
STEP 2 - will respond promptly via email to let you know that we did in fact receive your submission and we will request some additional information from you at this point, like when you want to start the program and what days of the week are good to meet. The sooner your reply to us the sooner we can get started losing weight.

STEP 3 - At our first session we will assess your current physical state, do your starting measurements and get to know each other just a bit. This will not be a difficult day, but it will challenge you to some extent just to help us know your current limitations. After this session you will need to compile a list of the foods that you like and the foods that you can't/won't eat so that we can create your meal plan. For the first 2 weeks you will eat nothing but this meal plan to help reprogram your brain and habits.

STEP 4 - Time to start working out. Your workouts will always be physically demanding. Your fitness sessions will be twice per week on your designated days and times. You should expect for any good weight loss fitness program to put you into a state of discomfort. Sometimes you will be sore, sometimes you will dread the days that you meet with your Personal Trainer, sometimes you will want to give up and quit the whole process (but we won't let you). But the one thing that we promise is that you won't have regret at doing this program, because our program it works that well at getting you to lose weight forever!

STEP 5 - Time to watch the inches melt away and watch that weight loss happen. Make no mistake, the process of losing weight sucks! You will be hungry, sore, tired and cranky. That is exactly why so many people fail to stick to it. But when you lose 10, 20, even 30 pounds in your free trial period then you will know that it is all worth it! The fact remains that the longer that you wait before you do something drastic the more difficult it will become. It is never too late, and late is better than never, but today it better than later when it comes to losing weight!

STEP 6 - Time to stick with it! After your 30 day trial weight loss program you will want to keep the weight loss happening. Now it is decision time. I am sure that you will have had great results during this trial period, and if you want to continue with us then we have some of the most affordable options for a weight loss program in Boise. There is no pressure to continue with us, but if you do then we would love to continue to serve you.
Read on to learn How to Lose Weight Yourself

When you combine all of the latest and best weight loss tools you get awesome results over and over. Here is how to do it:
There is a lot of good and bad information out there when it comes to losing weight through exercise. We all hear versions of them everyday, luckily I have the education to pick out the bad ones. I am going to give you a quick version of that education right now. If you take the time to understand these simple rules then you will reap rewards from your time at the gym.
There is a lot of good and bad information out there when it comes to losing weight through exercise. We all hear versions of them everyday, luckily I have the education to pick out the bad ones. I am going to give you a quick version of that education right now. If you take the time to understand these simple rules then you will reap rewards from your time at the gym.
1. Have a specific purpose to each workout (I will list a few examples). Far too often people just "get a workout" but don't know what they got from it. If that is you then STOP WASTING YOUR TIME. That approach does not work because your body will very specifically adapt to your workout. So if you just get a workout then who knows what change you asked from your body. Make a goal of burning 500 calories, or making your abs sore, or running 5 miles, or lifting a specific weight for the first time. These goals will get you to push yourself but also demand something more of your body, and that demand is when the good stuff happens.
2. Understand muscle confusion. Muscle confusion is when your body is subjected to work that it is not used to, hence it gets confused. Since your body will try to get unconfused it will have to react to the workout and change itself. Change one or all of the following components each time you workout.
So let's say that you do a workout that burns 300 calories while you do it. If you do this workout fairly often then you may get an additional 200 calories of afterburn to recover from it. BUT, if this is your first time doing this workout then you can burn up to 900 calories recovering from the very same workout. This will greatly impact your fat burning potential.
4. Eat damn-it. When you incorporate 1-3 you will have a body that needs food. If you don't eat you are sending a bad signal to your body. You are telling your body that you are going to starve it, so it will respond by slowing down the metabolism so that you don't starve to death. To avoid this problem you should eat as close to your workout as possible before and after the workout. Yes, that is 2 meals...
5. Respond. Finally, as soon as you see your workout stop getting you results then it is time to respond. Don't wait weeks or months to make sure that the program stopped working, it did. Far too many people let comfort with exercise dictate what they do and don't do. You don't have to be one of those people. Instead, be one of those people who is always getting results.
If you want more instruction, or have specific questions don't be shy. Send an email or start a topic in the forum.
2. Understand muscle confusion. Muscle confusion is when your body is subjected to work that it is not used to, hence it gets confused. Since your body will try to get unconfused it will have to react to the workout and change itself. Change one or all of the following components each time you workout.
- Frequency - How often you do something
- Intensity - How hard you do it (Track HR or weight that you lift)
- Time - How long you do it (Time on the tread or sets and reps)
- Type - How you do it (try something new often)
So let's say that you do a workout that burns 300 calories while you do it. If you do this workout fairly often then you may get an additional 200 calories of afterburn to recover from it. BUT, if this is your first time doing this workout then you can burn up to 900 calories recovering from the very same workout. This will greatly impact your fat burning potential.
4. Eat damn-it. When you incorporate 1-3 you will have a body that needs food. If you don't eat you are sending a bad signal to your body. You are telling your body that you are going to starve it, so it will respond by slowing down the metabolism so that you don't starve to death. To avoid this problem you should eat as close to your workout as possible before and after the workout. Yes, that is 2 meals...
5. Respond. Finally, as soon as you see your workout stop getting you results then it is time to respond. Don't wait weeks or months to make sure that the program stopped working, it did. Far too many people let comfort with exercise dictate what they do and don't do. You don't have to be one of those people. Instead, be one of those people who is always getting results.
If you want more instruction, or have specific questions don't be shy. Send an email or start a topic in the forum.
The 3 keys to a great weight loss program!

There are 3 keys to a great weight loss program that you need to know to get great results. These should not be considered optional and are a great gauge if your weight loss program is worth it! Make sure that before you spend a single dollar towards losing weight that you and your Weight Loss Program Designer have the same understanding of you expectations!
- You need to have an appropriate nutrition plan. If you are not at the proper calorie count, or have an imbalance of macro-nutrients, you can quickly plateau. Also, make sure that your weight loss program is taking your life into consideration when you get your food choices! A plan that you can't follow is as bad as no plan at all...
- Your body adapts quickly so your weight loss program needs to change even quicker. If you want the best results possible you should have a program that never gives your body the opportunity to plateau. Your diet and exercise should change at the VERY LEAST with the cycles of the moon!
- You need some serious accountability. If your program allows you to mess up then it is no good. There needs to be serious consequence for failing yourself. The consequence should far out weigh the negative impact on your body. If you weight loss program does not build in consequence then get out now!
But, how do I know what to eat to lose weight?
Eating when you are trying to lose weight is sooooooo difficult because you can't just quit eating like you can quit other things that are bad. So it comes down to choices. Those choices are the ones that will make your weight loss happen rapidly, slowly or not at all.
Here are 10 NEVER EATS when you are trying to lose weight along with a healthier (not always healthier, but the lesser of evils) choices.
Here are 10 NEVER EATS when you are trying to lose weight along with a healthier (not always healthier, but the lesser of evils) choices.
- Chips - never touch them if you are trying to lose weight. They are the devil because they are deep fried carbs so you get tons of carbs and tons of fats. The biggest problem is that they are so easy to over-indulge. Try a low cal rice cracker instead. I recently had some rice crackers that had different flavorings that were pretty damn good and super low cal.
- Bacon - We all love it but it is spoiled of its nutritional value through the smoking and curing process and it is SO high in fat and calories. Try turkey bacon instead. Still tastes pretty good and is MUCH better for you.
- Pot Pies - I don't mean some low calorie recipe that you have stashed away, I mean those yummy pot pies that you buy in the freezer section at the grocery store. They are super high in fat and calories. Try eating a home made turkey dinner instead. You can have turkey, stuffing and potatoes with gravy and still get less fat and cals then a take and bake Pot Pie.
- Canned soup. Canned soup is not generally too high in calories, but it is loaded with other enemies that mess with the metabolism, especially preservatives. Instead, make some soup of your own. There are lots of great low cal soup recipes out there, and more are available everyday on our FREE NUTRITION PLANNING site.
- Pizza with Meat. Pizza is never a great choice for weight loss, but it is much, much worse when you add in all of those processed meats like sausage and pepperoni. Try smothering it in veggies, you will get more nutrients and eat less total food because of the food volume.
- Never good. Stay away from homemade or store bought cheesecake unless you want to get fat. Shortly I will be uploading my wife's brilliant low cal Lime Cream pie that will fill that need and sweet tooth.
- Fried Chicken. Chicken is a good choice, but not when you roll it in salty breading and then deep fry it. Instead, go with baked or BBQ'd chicken. Just as easy and hugely better for you.
- Hot Dogs. Made with the worst of the worst in meats, and then combined with all sorts of other stuff to ensure that it tastes good. Veggie Dogs taste pretty good and give you lots of nutrients. You will be happily surprised!
- Hamburgers. Not as bad as some, but not good. Made from ground beef, smothered in cheese, mmm-mmm good. Try eating a grilled chicken breast instead. Tastes just as good and will save you pounds of fat and arterial clotting for a lifetime.
- French Fries. Low nutrition potatoes, fried in fat, dipped in sugar and salt and then fried again. I know that they are delicious and easy to prepare, but they will kill you, literally. Try replacing them with some veggies, even dipped in ranch they far exceed fries with nutritional content and you would have to eat 20 pounds smothered in ranch to ever measure up to an order of fries.
and the service goes on and on...
With our weight loss program in Boise you get:
With our weight loss program in Boise you get:
- Weight loss specific nutrition customized for you
- Personal Training
- Weight loss specific cardio programming
- Weight loss specific weight training
- Private small group environment
- Industry leading expertise
- All hosted by authors of online weight loss publications like
- 24 hour access to our private gym
- No obligation or commitment except to yourself
A weight loss program in Boise, customized to fit your life. We offer the best weight loss program in Boise because we make it as easy as possible. The Weight Loss process sucks, but can be amazingly beneficial. But don't mistake this for being easy...
The fact is that a good weight loss program is difficult because it will require that you change your habits. A good weight loss program will make you work your tail off. A good weight loss program will hold you more accountable than you could be on your own. A good weight loss program is convenient, like our weight loss program in Boise!
The best part of this weight loss program is that you can try it for FREE. That is right, a FREE 30 DAY WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM! We want to prove to you why we are the best weight loss program in Boise before you spend a single dollar. After your trial you will find that we offer the most affordable pricing for a real life changing weight loss program in Boise.
So what do you get with this crazy, awesome, insanely cool FREE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM in BOISE?!?!
The fact is that a good weight loss program is difficult because it will require that you change your habits. A good weight loss program will make you work your tail off. A good weight loss program will hold you more accountable than you could be on your own. A good weight loss program is convenient, like our weight loss program in Boise!
The best part of this weight loss program is that you can try it for FREE. That is right, a FREE 30 DAY WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM! We want to prove to you why we are the best weight loss program in Boise before you spend a single dollar. After your trial you will find that we offer the most affordable pricing for a real life changing weight loss program in Boise.
So what do you get with this crazy, awesome, insanely cool FREE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM in BOISE?!?!
Another important factor
If is important, probably more important than any other single factor, that you find a weight loss program that meets your specific needs. You need to take a specific look at your wants from a program and discover what you think will make you the most successful.
Of course we think that our program is great simply because after training thousands of clients our experience has shown us what people tend to need. But if you need specific tools that we do not offer than even we would not be the right choice.
There are some really great programs out there that give you more than a specific meal plan. There are programs out there that prepackage your meals for you and all that you have to do is eat. Some people need that level of preparation to be successful.
There are some really great Personal Trainers out there that do not delve into nutrition at all. If you have great control already over your diet and are seeing good successes there already then maybe choosing a Personal Trainer like that would be more appropriate.
There are even some people out there that want to TRY to lose weight but aren't actually ready to make the appropriate changes to their life that our program requires. If that is you, and that is not meant to be insulting, then we are not the right program for you.
BUT, if you can follow a meal plan based on foods that you like, if you can give your best effort everyday in the gym and if you can be accountable to yourself and your weight loss program then you will surely find that our weight loss program is the most comprehensive option out there.
If that is the case for you then take advantage of or FREE TRIAL for 30 days by simply clicking HERE!
If is important, probably more important than any other single factor, that you find a weight loss program that meets your specific needs. You need to take a specific look at your wants from a program and discover what you think will make you the most successful.
Of course we think that our program is great simply because after training thousands of clients our experience has shown us what people tend to need. But if you need specific tools that we do not offer than even we would not be the right choice.
There are some really great programs out there that give you more than a specific meal plan. There are programs out there that prepackage your meals for you and all that you have to do is eat. Some people need that level of preparation to be successful.
There are some really great Personal Trainers out there that do not delve into nutrition at all. If you have great control already over your diet and are seeing good successes there already then maybe choosing a Personal Trainer like that would be more appropriate.
There are even some people out there that want to TRY to lose weight but aren't actually ready to make the appropriate changes to their life that our program requires. If that is you, and that is not meant to be insulting, then we are not the right program for you.
BUT, if you can follow a meal plan based on foods that you like, if you can give your best effort everyday in the gym and if you can be accountable to yourself and your weight loss program then you will surely find that our weight loss program is the most comprehensive option out there.
If that is the case for you then take advantage of or FREE TRIAL for 30 days by simply clicking HERE!