BR Specialists and its affiliate companies (collectively "BRS") respect the privacy of its on-line visitors and recognize the importance of providing a secure environment for them. We have adopted a company wide On-Line Privacy Policy that guides how we collect, store, and use the information you provide us. This Privacy Policy details how BRS safeguards the privacy of its on-line visitors and does not apply to information that may be collected by BRS off-line. Please note that when you link to other sites from a BRS website, this Privacy Policy does not apply to, and cannot control the activities on, those other sites. To protect your privacy, we have voluntarily undertaken this privacy initiative and all of our websites. As part of this privacy program no information that we collect will ever be available to any other organization without the expressed written consent of the client and no client information is hosted on our website. Any information collected will only be used for internal and direct marketing purposes. BRS collects information through volunteer methods only and does not participate in phishing Any contact from one who claims to represent BRS who requests any personal or financial data beyond basic fitness and contact info should be ignored and you should contact BRS immediately with all details, and BRS will pursue any and all legal action at their expense, unless you at anytime participated in online activity which allowed your information to be subject to such scams. Anyone who has submitted their personal information may request to cancel further direct contact from BRS by contacting us directly or simply replying to direct marketing from BRS to cancel further contact. To discuss further please contact BR Specialists or their representative to discuss directly.
Located at 808 South Vista
Boise, ID 83709
Boise, ID 83709