- Did you know that there are 3500 calories in a pound of stored body fat?
- Did you know that for 1 pound of weight loss you will need to spend almost 8 hours of moderate intensity doing cardio?
- Did you know that that is the same as eating almost 17 Snickers?
Here we go:
Step 1 - know what your HEART is telling you
- Subtract your age from 220. When you are born your heart can comfortably beat at 220 BPM but you lose 1 beat off of that number every year that you live.
- Count your resting heart rate for 1 minute
- Subtract that number from the number calculated at step 1. For example (220-45 years = 175. 175- 68 RHR = 107) Now you know the variable to your heart rate range.
- Take that number and multiply it time the % that you would like to exercise at (107 X70% = 75)
- Now add back to that number your RHR and you have your new Target HR (75 + 68 = 143). That is the HR that you would want to maintain to stay at 70% intensity.
If you have a type of cardio that you like more than others and tend to do more often then you need to take a break from it. Mix it up for your body to get best results. Do something new, try a Spin class, go for a hike, whatever, but make sure that you are getting your heart up to your THR calculated above.
Step 3 - stretch it out
Shock the system again by doubling the amount of time that you spend doing cardio. Follow that new duration for 2-3 weeks.
Follow these steps and you will shock the system and get some great results, until you plateau again!