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You can get through the weekend without completely blowing the hard work that you did all week.  Ideally, you stick to your diet perfectly and avoid all alcohol.

In the case that perfection is out of reach, there are alternatives.  Here are your rules:
  1. Have a plan.  Know if you are going to drink or eat off of your diet and plan it in.  If you think that you are gonna have 3 beers that are about 100 cals each then you should take 50 cals out of each meal prior in the day.
  2. Choose light drinks.  It is ok not to drink your favorite drink.  Try a Gin and Diet tonic, or Jack and Diet Coke.  Get rid of those extra cals that are avoidable.
  3. Going to a BBQ or birthday party means lots of food.  Don't fret too much because most parties have trays of healthy food as well as crap.  Fill up on the healthy food first.  Each fruits and vegies until you are full, before you start eating dinner.
  4. Treats.  Parties have treats and if you can't avoid them altogether then make sure that you have had lots of low cal food and then take as small of portion as is possible.
  5. Don't be embarrassed.  Some people may rag on you about trying to lose weight but when you are looking good and they are not we all know who wins.

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