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There is always speculation on which fish are good choices.  Fish are not created equal when it comes to the oils in them, or flavor for that matter.


First, let's point out that the oils in fish tend to be Omega 3.  Omega 3 is a fatty acid that has been proven to help lower overall cholesterol count and improve the ration of HDL to LDL.  If you are not familiar with that then just know that Omega 3 is good for your heart and cardio respiratory system.

If you are eating fish for these reasons then you should pay attention to this list.

Mackerel 2.6
Trout, lake 2.0
Herring 1.7
Tuna, bluefin 1.6
Salmon 1.5
Sardines, canned 1.5
Sturgeon, Atlantic 1.5
Tuna, albacore 1.5
Whitefish, lake 1.5
Anchovies 1.4
Bluefish 1.2
Bass, striped 0.8
Trout, brook 0.6
Trout, rainbow 0.6
Halibut, Pacific 0.5
Pollock 0.5 Shark 0.5
Sturgeon 0.4
Bass,fresh water 0.3
Catfish 0.3
Ocean perch 0.3
Flounder 0.2
Haddock 0.2
Snapper, red 0.2
Swordfish 0.2
Sole 0.1

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