The Best Fitness and Weight Loss Blog
Weight Loss is everyone's goal.  Not everyone has a Personal Trainer, health club, gym or Boot Camp.  So know your weaknesses!  If there are foods that you cannot control quantity then you need to abstain!  Surround yourself with good choices, and some less good choices that you can have a little of but don't tend to overeat.  Treats are not the enemy, too many treats are...  My weakness is Peanut Butter and Chocolate ice cream, especially on those hot Boise summer days.  I can sit down and eat a HUGE bowl of it and still want more.  Solution, I don't buy it, I don't tempt myself.  Instead, I have Fudgecicles.  They are not my favorite treat and it is very unlikely that I will eat more than one when I have one.  Make this part of your lifestyle and you will find long term benefits, results and weight loss.  Get fit using these simple nutrition techniques.

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